Fact of the day
********FACT OF THE DAY********
(1) FOUR is the only number that has the same amount of letters as its actual value.
(2) Only 3 kind of animals forms armies and go to war---Humans, Crows and Ants.
(3) Human are the only species on earth that have Face-to-Face sex.
*********JOKE OF THE DAY*********
I don't even trust English
Why is it dat "Give her her book" is correct and "Give him him book is not correct"?��
pls my pple help me explain
Is English a female?.
COCA-COLA sold only 9 bottles per day in it's first year. Today, more than 1.7 billion servings are sold in a single day. ADVICE-----> never give Up. Because you did not do your test very doesn't mean your exam won't be great, all you need is to buckle up,read hard and pray.
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